MNHC offers sensitive, respectful and non-judgmental services that are FREE and CONFIDENTIAL for all young people of all genders from ages 12 to 21. At the Shotwell site there is a Teen Clinic area made just for youth. Bilingual services offered cover physical, mental, emotional, sexual and reproductive health. If you are a young person over the age of 12, you can register for services on your own.
HOW TO BECOME A PATIENT AT MNHC »Teen services include:
The following Teen services are free and confidential at the Shotwell Clinic and Excelsior Clinic. Our main Teen Clinic is located at the Shotwell site, 240 Shotwell Street, San Francisco, CA.
- Health Education
- Family planning/counseling
- Pregnancy tests
- STI (sexually transmitted infections) check and treatment
- Emergency contraception (“Morning After Pill”)
- HIV tests and counseling
- Mental health services: general counseling and referrals
- Dental Referrals
Shotwell Teen Clinic Hours
Mondays and Thursdays 1:30 – 5pm; You can call to schedule an appointment or drop-in before 4pm.
Contact Us
For more information about the Teen Clinic and to make an appointment, please call (415) 552-1013 extension 2218. If you get our voicemail, please leave a message and a phone number to reach you. It is a private/confidential voicemail. We will call you back as soon as possible.
You may also email us at teenclinic@mnhc.org. Please do not include any confidential information in the email, just provide us with a phone number and tell us the best time to reach you.
Learn more about our Youth Programs
View our Community Programs »Testimonials:
"MNHC is about building a healthy community."
- Fernando Gomez Benitez, MNHC Deputy Director