: (415) 552-3870 | Español

Nonprofit Annual Economic Statement

Mission Area Health Associates, Doing Business as Mission Neighborhood Health Center

Our fiscal year: January 1st – December 31st

Our Employer Identification Number: 94-2284365

1. Name of the CEO or employee who has daily managerial responsibilities
Anna Robert

2. Names of officers and directors, and Boards which they serve
Rita Franklin*, President
Amelia Martínez-Bankhead, Vice President
Charles Moser MD, Treasurer
José Rodríguez, MA, Secretary
Francisco García, Consumer Trustee
Luz Decker, Consumer Trustee
Mary Lou Ponce, Consumer Trustee
Claudia Llanos, Consumer Trustee
Susy Jeng, Community Trustee
Sylvia Vasquez, Consumer Trustee

*Cross Cultural Center & Synergy School Trustee President

3. Total budget and expenditures, and a program-by-program description of all monies expended or budgeted during calendar or fiscal year
ProPublica link

4. Letter from the IRS showing your valid nonprofit status
View PDF: Mission Neighborhood Health Center 501C3 Tax Exempt Status

5. Most recent federal tax return filed under Section 990
View PDF: Mission Neighborhood Health Center form 990 – 2022

6. Verification of current valid registration with the State of California’s Registry of Charitable Trusts
Registry Search – State Charity Registration Number: 017451
View PDF: Registrant Details (document retrieved 12/23/2024)

7. Audited financial statements
View PDF: Mission Neighborhood Health Center Audit for Period ending December 2023

MNHC - 240 Shotwell Street - San Francisco, CA 94110 - Phone: (415) 552-3870 - Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm

Admin Fax: (415) 431-3178 - Medical Records Fax: (415) 552-3446

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